Call Us: 403-546-2278
PO Box Acme, Alberta T0M 0A0
We Work from the Ground up!
Our overall vision and goals set the stage for the manner in which we manage our resources. We strive for excellence, high quality and transparency in the production of food in a sustainable and responsible manner. Our commitment to multi-generational farming ensures that we take a proactive approach to managing our farmland and resources, as we see the current environmental focus on sustainability simply reflecting what we in the farming community have been charged with protecting for hundreds of years. The same resources that are important to the environment...soil, air and water...are essential for agriculture.
At Double M Farms, our extensive cropping acreage requires that we stay up-to-date!

Watch the frame below to see what is currently on our minds. Right now, it's land prices in Canada, and weather conditions in the United States:

Check out our Custom Cattle Feeding and Beef Genetics!
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