Full Service Custom Feedlot
We offer complete buying, selling, financing and risk management services.
Highway 21 Feeders Ltd. is a full service custom feedlot located in the heart of south central Alberta. We offer complete buying, selling, financing and risk management services designed to maximize investor returns and capture the full genetic potential of feeder cattle.
The lot capacity is currently at 20,000 head. Our landscaped and sheltered pens range from 100-600 head capacity.
Water is supplied by an expansive underground and surface water system designed for reliable water delivery.
Conveniently located off Highway 21, the lot has easy access for cattle and feed movements. The Acme area climate is ideal for cattle production with low rainfall and winters characterized by warm Chinook winds.
The Highway 21 Feeders finishing and backgrounding rations are based on mixed hay, cereal silage, rolled tempered barley and supplemental premixes. Liquid fats are included in the rations when economically feasible. Effective quality control systems ensure only high quality systems enter the rations and all rations are nutritionally balanced to achieve optimal cattle performance. Effective induction and animal health protocols ensure peak pen performance and minimal morbidity and mortality risk. Highway 21 Feeders also offers an integrated backgrounding program based on low cost rations, summer grazing and fall feedlot finishing.
Purebred Charolais, Simm/Angus
Call us: 403-546-2278
PO Box Acme, Alberta T0M 0A0