First, click on the arrow symbol to sort for that trait. Click the checkbox to remove
or add color from that trait. Click on the tag number to see pictures of that bull. Click 'Reset' to
clear all.
The video shows the sort options and links in the table.
Watch for Future Updates
Please check back frequently for updated information.
Yearling Weight and Weaning Weight adjustments are calculated slightly different between the Canadian
Charolais Assoc and Herdtrax. For the Charolais, the weights represented will match that of the association. If there is a slight
difference to the web and Herdtrax, it is due to a recent weight taken that Herdtrax may use for more accurate adjusted weights
that our website hasn't updated to yet.
We believe in being 100% transparent with anything you want to know about our herd and an animal that you are considering
purchasing. These are the same principles that we want when we are purchasing an animal. There is a ton of information and links
to sires and dams that we will help you navigate through on these bulls.
First we think it is important to outline what your goals are when purchasing an animal from our program.
Are you purchasing for:
Maternal traits where for example gestation, fertility, milk, RFI, or calves raised by the dam mean more to you and whether
their direct offspring are still in production?
To make terminal calves where performance, efficiency, weaning weights, grading and other traits to add sale value in your
pocket matters?
Would you like to know about siblings and all relatives within the herd for any animal? Would you like to see how the sire and
the dam index within our operation? Or maybe you would like to see management comments on feet, udder, weigh dates, temperament or
medical records?
Whatever you are after, it is all here. You are welcome to use any of these tips to navigate on your own, or feel free to call us
at any time and we can help you navigate and narrow down your search. We think of this information similar to a live interactive bull
sale catalogue, but instead of just seeing the dam or sire reference EPD, you can dive deeper with a click of the mouse. We understand
that depending on your goals, the information available can be more than what you need, however, we want to supply all the information
that we have collected. You can take or leave whatever you wish from the data supplied.
HerdTrax Indexing
Click the HerdTrax logo to see explanation of HerdTrax selection indexes and how they are calculated.